Sunday, November 6, 2011

Life's a bit crazy

I'm sorry I haven't blogged this week. I'm working as a substitute teacher now and I had jury duty last week. To top off the week, I tripped rather spectacularly in a parking lot and had a face to concrete collision yesterday. I will have more to share soon, I promise.

I do want to tell you that the librarians tell me that my mini display is the most popular display they've ever had. That's cool!

Wishing you all a wonderful week!


  1. I hope you didnt get hurt to badly ?
    I am not surprised that your display is so popular. I wish i could go visit it :)
    Hugs Maria

  2. Oh De, sorry to hear about the fall. I hope you didn't injure yourself too badly. =(

  3. Have a good job and hope you come back soon for the minis! ;)

  4. oh no De! I also hope you did not hurt yourself too badly- take care!!!

  5. De, I hope you're ok! I took all the skin off my knee a few years ago from a similar incident and it took a really long time to heal.

    How awesome that your library display is so popular! Of course, we all knew that it would be! Miniatures are sooo addictive!


  6. Oops, I was signed into the wrong account when I wrote the above message.


  7. It is so much fun to share the love of minis. Hopefully you have inspired a newbee miniaturist... I did the same thing meeting the concrete a few years back. No fun... My arm came up and protected my face as I went down but I was sore for a couple of weeks. Heal well. LJ


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