Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We traditionally decorate the house the day after Thanksgiving. We usually have 2 trees. One is upstairs in the master bedroom - that's our "big" tree with all of our family ornaments. We have our Christmas morning gift opening in our room EARLY in the morning. My kids are all young adults but they still get excited about Christmas. :) This is the downstairs tree. (It's the first year in a while that I've been able to put up a full sized one with all the pets.) This tree usually has some sort of theme based on ornaments we already have. I love vintage glass ornaments and I've collected a few vintage ones and more reproduction ones. The tree this year is all of those ornaments. The bottom few are all nonbreakable in case the pets bump them but the rest are glass. The lights are red as are many of the ornaments. I love how it turned out!
A new collection this year is this little Christmas village. My mother-in-law has a beautiful collection of larger buildings that she sets up each year - and everyone in the family has contributed to it at some time or other. I don't have that much space but when I saw a few smaller houses at Goodwill I was excited. All of these have been collected from various thrift stores in the last month or so. A few people and trees came with the first Goodwill purchase and I found a few more people at Walmart and trees at JoAnn's. I think it looks great under the tree. It has the added bonus of keeping the cat out as there's no good place for her to lie down. ;-)

I love Christmas in case you couldn't tell, lol. I look forward to seeing how some of you decorate for the season.


  1. Pretty tree, but your header has me all happy for sure! That is the CUTEST mini scene I've seen!
    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving too!
    I need to get on the Christmas decorating wagon, but there is just so much else to CLEAN first! lol.

    Enjoy your pretty trees!


  2. Thank you, April! It was fun to put together.

  3. I like your village, I will have to try setting mine up under the tree. Check out mine when you get a chance.


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