Saturday, November 19, 2011

The transporting has begun

Today I emptied one display case at the library and also brought home the castle. That thing is heavy and something breaks every time it's moved. I'm not sure if it will travel again. But all is put back together and my new goodies have been moved in. I still have the other half of the wall display case, two floor cases, the cabin and the saloon to move back home. I will do that over the next two weeks.

While I was at the library, the head librarian (also named Dina just spelled differently than my Deana) asked me 1. to come back again next year with some new houses/rooms 2. to lead a workshop or program on dollhouses and miniatures in April and 3. to participate in a "meet the artist" program she's starting. I'd have a table set up and work on a project in the lounge area of the library. People could watch and ask questions but I wouldn't be doing any major speaking. Besides all of that, she told me that she gave my contact info to other area libraries in case they would be interested in a display. Wow! I'm going to have to work on better ways to transport these things.

Anyway, this is all very exciting stuff - I have lots to think about and plan. I'm thinking the workshop will be a sort of trash to treasure project since that's one of my personal favorite things to do. What do you all think?


  1. Congratulations I am so happy for you. What a great way for you to encourage others interest in miniatures. What a wonderful idea for a workshop. I know i would go if it was in my library.
    Hugs Maria

  2. De that is very exciting indeed! Definitely do the trash to treasure theme, you are the queen at it! :)

  3. That is wonderful for you. I love the trash to treasure idea. Have fun. Looking forward to sharing it with you. Cheers! LJ

  4. What great news! I'm with Maria, I would be first in line if it were at my local library! Congratulations on the success it's been! =)


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