Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sometimes life is complicated

I am anxious to get back to blogging regularly. When I was almost all healed from my fall I got sick so I've been mostly out of commission this week. Next week will be filled with family and Thanksgiving preparations but I will get back to mini-making soon! I also have to move all of the houses and rooms back home from the library so it will be a little crazier than normal around here. I am taking time to check out your blogs. Please don't give up on me!


  1. I am so sorry to hear this, De. Sadly, I haven't been able to keep up with blogging posts either, there has been just so much going on since the fall and I mistakenly thought that things would let up.

    I hope you are feeling better and are all healed up soon.

    I'll never give up on you. :)

  2. Thank you, Dale and Sandi! I think I'm just suffering the consequences of working with young children again. I haven't built my resistance up yet. I do enjoy working as a substitute at the elementary school, though.


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