Sunday, May 6, 2012


My husband, daughter and I spent some time clearing the vegetable garden beds to prepare for planting today. We got all of the raised beds cleared so now we know which ones need more dirt, fertilizer, etc. We are also expanding the garden this year - doubling it, really. Our current garden gets too much shade for things like tomatoes and peppers. We'll also plant potatoes this year. It's a lot of work but there isn't much as satisfying as opening the pantry to see jars and jars of food that you've grown and canned. I love knowing that I'm feeding my family with healthy foods.

The flower beds still need a lot of work, too. That may not happen until summer break - one of the big benefits of working for a school corporation. ;)

The new doll house kit is calling my name so I hope I can get to it soon. I am missing my mini time! :(

Yesterday my oldest and I hit several garage sales. I stocked up on craft paints and she stocked up on vintage clothing. She bought a large shopping bag full of handmade dresses, shirts and two brand name trench coats for $1! The lady who'd made the dresses was an excellent seamstress and was apparently my daughter's size. The dresses all look as though they were tailor made for her. This is one of her favorites.


  1. Wow the dress fits her perfectly! Oh my gosh De your daughter (I'm sure you've both heard this a million times) looks just like you. Beautiful :)

  2. Thank you, April. :) The funny thing is that if you saw her with her dad first you'd say she looked just like him. Well, other than the beard of course, lol.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A fantastic looking dress and she looks so nice in it! I agree with April in that she does look like you. She's a very pretty girl! You must be so proud of her!


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