Thursday, May 10, 2012

Summer Fever

This week has been a bit crazy. I work as an aide at the local elementary school. Our last day is May 29. If you spend any time at all around children you know that the week or so before a holiday break or the long summer vacation the kids begin to get kind of wild. That's where we are now. (Imagine a smiley of me pulling my hair out, lol.)

The weather is beautiful and life is good.

I finally did get a little time to make minis...but I can't share yet. They are for a fairy/fantasy themed swap. I'm also very eager to get to the new dollhouse. I've been doing some shopping for it. Stay tuned for cool stuff ahead! ;)


  1. Looking forward to the cool stuff ahead!

  2. LOL, it's a long time ago but I remember that they didn't even try to teach us the last week, we watched movies, did crafts projects and went outside to play kickball.

    I look forward to seeing your next minis project.


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