Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mini Potential

 Here's my collection of purchases with mini potential from today's garage sales. I love the Queen of Multitasking ornament. Stay tuned to find out how these items will be used. Two were fairly easy choices. I purchased them to use in the San Franciscan.
 The ornament makes a very impressive large "oil" painting in the parlor.
The tiger has been mounted on a block. Apparently, Charles did some exotic hunting on his travels.


  1. Fantastic purchases for your dollshouse.
    Bye Faby

  2. Just brilliant, De! I can't wait to see what you do with the others!

  3. Hola Dee!
    Muy buenas compras, me gusta mucho la idea del tigre
    Un abrazo
    GRACIAS por no tener palabra de verificación

  4. Your got great items the picture is perfect in the parlor. The tiger looks great fantastic idea.
    Hugs Maria

  5. Love it, the painting and what you did with the lion, great idea!:)

  6. Great purchases. I love the picture and what a tiger.

  7. I really enjoy garage sale season. It's so much fun to go through miscellaneous things looking for mini inspiration. Makes my daughters a bit crazy, though. ;)


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