Sunday, July 1, 2012

Artist in Residence

 On Wednesday, I was the Artist in Residence at the local library. I sat at a centrally located table and made this mini garden in a planter. Library patrons could come over to watch, ask questions, etc. It was really fun! Adults, children, families - all stopped to see what I was making. I also had several requests to show dollhouses again. I'm going to take four of my larger houses this year for National Dollhouse and Miniatures Month in October.
As a result of the AinR I will be showing our elementary school garden club, Little Sprouts, how to make a simplified version of this in a terra cotta pot. They make something each year to sell at the school carnival to raise money for the school garden. This project will be great for that.


  1. That sounds like so much fun, and an honor.

  2. that's such a cute little garden, I hope they make a ton of money for the school garden. Kids really need to learn more about gardening.
    (speaking of gardening I've got to go tend to mine it's full of weeds!)

    Marisa :)

  3. That looks like it was fun De, and how great that people asked for more dollhouses! I love it so much when kids are interested in minis- my husband's grandson loves to make minis with me. You are going to have a blast with the Little Sprouts kids- I hope maybe they'll let you share pictures of their completed pots :)

  4. Your mini garden is fantastic!
    Bye Faby

  5. Es un fantastico proyecto.
    No me extraña que le gustase a la gente tu jardin, es precioso.
    besitos ascension

  6. Thank you all! It was really fun - the hardest part was making sure I had everything I was going to need in my toolbox!


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