Monday, November 26, 2012

Finally, something new!

 A nasty virus found me the day after Thanksgiving. I've been down ever since. I haven't been able to decorate my house for Christmas yet but I was strong enough to give Harriet a hand with hers. I also made up a tray of craft supplies ('cause you can only spend so much time sleeping no matter how sick you are!) and pulled up pictures of Red Flyer sleds on my laptop and went to work. I think the resulting sled is really nice. I had originally propped a popsicle stick sled that I found in the round robin swap box against the porch wall. Even after some modifications, though, it still looked too fake. That's what led to this project.
 The living room looks quite festive for the holidays. The stockings are hung and there's even a stack of gifts under the tree table.
 The kitchen calendar has been turned to December and there's a lovely Christmas print cloth on the table. You can see that Harriet and Sandy have already been baking, too. There's a gingerbread house, fruitcake and Christmas cupcakes.


  1. It's begining to look alot like Christmas, great job. I hope you are feeling better and that you avoid all those bad germs for the rest of the season.

  2. Hope you feel better soon De! THe picture of the house all decorated are so pretty- I really love your blog header picture too!! The red flyer looks awesome!!! On a last note- I love your new profile picture- you look so pretty! Take care and drink lots of fluids!! ♥

  3. I hope you will be feeling better soon,De! Harriet and Sandy's Christmas decorations are very nice. I love the little gingerbread house! Your sleigh looks realistic and brings back memories!

  4. Your sleigh is wonderful. I like this house with Christmas decorations.
    Bye Faby

  5. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Your sled looks fantastic. The house looks wonderful with all the Christmas items. I love the gingerbread house. Fantastic work.
    Hugs Maria


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