Sunday, December 2, 2012

Santa's House featured!

Santa's House has been featured as the dollhouse of the month over at My Small Obsession! The link takes you to the website but Gaye also has a blog by the same name. Thank you very much, Gaye!


  1. Congratulations De! This little house is beautiful! Perfect for Santa. :D

  2. I went and had a look, De! The house is so cute. It has a wonderful Christmas spirit! I can see all the love you have put into everything that went into making it what it is. I love that little gingerbread house among many other things!

  3. A wonderful Santa house. No wonder Gaye chose to feature it. I love the exterior as well as the interior.
    Hugs, Drora

  4. Love your Christmas house. Started one a few years ago and it is still sitting in my basement unfinished! I am inspired to get it finished!

    Peach Blossom Hill

  5. Thanks so much everyone. This is still one of my favorite projects.

    Jody, I have a kit to make an accompanying elf workshop/house that's been sitting unstarted for months. I'm hoping to get to it over my Christmas break from school. Fingers crossed!


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