Thursday, December 6, 2012

It's Christmas around the house

 This is our living room tree. I get to decorate this one however I want. For the past several years I've used vintage and vintage style ornaments. Even the topper is a vintage replica. Under the tree I have a little village I started collecting last year. Almost all of the pieces have come from thrift stores. It's been fun to add to over this past year.
This is our family tree. We have Christmas morning in our master bedroom so that's where this tree is - it's also the largest room in the house so we can have a large tree. This is the first year for the blue lights and sparkly garland. The rest of the family love all blue, and since I get to choose the lights for the downstairs tree, we went with their favorite for this one. The new lights are blue LEDs. I must say that the blue is growing on me. The LED lights are really nice. I made the tree skirt many years ago. It has angels and stars appliqued on it.

We also have several nativities and my Santa collection spread throughout the house.  My middle child is living at home since graduating from college and she has a small tree decorated with chiffon butterflies and Tinkerbelle ornaments.

It's very festive here!


  1. In the master bedroom, what a cool idea. Looks beautiful De :) Hey when did you update your profile pic? Very pretty picture!

  2. I absolutely adore your tree with the while lights, Dee. Sorry, but blue gives me the blues. Truly, it does. I was unable to get white lights this year and I had to settle for multicoloured ones with lots of red in it. My tree looks darker and I am not very uplifted when I look at it which is too bad because it's right next to the dining room table where I take all my meals. I don't have an eat-in kitchen. Next year, I will be shopping very early for my Christmas tree lights.

  3. Wow De! The tree is beautiful in blue. Very nice idea placing the tine village under it.
    Hugs, Drora

  4. Thank you, ladies!

    April, the profile pic is fairly recent. I posted right after getting my new glasses. Thank you!

    Lucille, I understand about the blue lights. They would not have been my first choice but they actually are nice for our bedroom tree. The lights are on a timer and the blue is much softer than white or multicolor lights so easier to fall asleep with and they aren't too bright when they come on in the morning. :)

    Drora, I really like the little village - I did have to leave a large empty spot at the back of the tree for the cats, though. That way they tend to leave the houses alone.


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