Thursday, February 28, 2013

What to do with an empty printers box

Why look on  pinterest, of course! I knew I didn't just want to put random minis in it like some do. I think that those look really nice but it wasn't what I was thinking for mine. The problem was I didn't know exactly what I was thinking, lol. I spent some time on pinterest this afternoon and got inspired. This is what I came up with. The top two baby pictures are of DH and me. The other three are our children. There's a current family photo in the top right box along with a foam letter T for our last initial. Each of the other boxes represents one or more of my family members or our whole family. This was so much fun to put together. I raided the scrapbook supplies, the mini drawers, a couple of junk drawers, toy boxes, and some random crafting supplies. The sticker at the top is Hebrews 11:1,"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." The bottom sticker says "Delight in the little things." A  perfect play on the blog name and my love of minis. :)


  1. that turned out so nice De! What a great idea :)

  2. Very nice and creative project. A lovely family memento!

  3. Great idea! Mine is filled with trinkets but this is quite nice.

  4. Thank you! I've added a few bits since the photo and found a perfect spot to hang it. Life is good. :)

  5. It's a really nice way to use the tray, like the sticker and it's association with your blog :)

    Thanks for your nice comment on the little French attic by the way.


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