Friday, March 8, 2013

Where did the years go?

My oldest child turns 25 tomorrow. We dropped her off at O'Hare airport today for a flight to Germany and then Bulgaria for a mission trip. She returns a week from tomorrow. I am so proud of the young woman she's become, even though in my heart she will always be the baby I brought home from the hospital. Here she is as a toddler with her very young mama. The other photo is from several years ago when she studied in London for the summer.


  1. Congratulations whit your beautiful daughter, I can see at the smile that she looks just like you. And so active and well-traveled your daughter is. You must be so proud.
    I can follow you, I have two daughters at 28 and 24, and it has gone so fast. It is also great to follow them now as adult, education, travel, boyfriends and even grandchildren someday. I do miss the interaction from when they were small. The little arms around your neck, etc.

  2. Yes, De, time goes fast, too fast. The older we get, the faster it goes. Your daughter seems like quite an accomplished young lady. So, there's consolation in that for you.

  3. Feliz cumpleaƱos para tu hija De!

    Es muy hermosa.
    Un abrazo

  4. The years certainly fly! My oldest daughter turns 40 this year and my youngest (a son) turns 24 - it is hard to believe. And our grandchildren are growing so fast too. They are the second-time-round joy, with time to savour those childish kisses and cuddles, but once again time goes too quickly. You are a proud mother and rightly so - I wish your daughter well as she steps out into a new stage of her life.


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