Sunday, May 12, 2013


This is the first thing I saw when I went to check out the crash. At least there was a bit of humor in the mess. :)

Well, I enjoyed having all of my children home for lunch today to celebrate Mother's Day. That is, until middle daughter's cat decided to climb the shelf I made from old drawers in the craft room. The shelf was loaded with several room boxes and all of my beads and buttons other craft supplies.The thundering crash was terrifying. The cat is still a bit jumpy. I was in tears until my daughter started crying because she thought it was all her fault. I comforted her and then both daughters helped with clean up. Surprisingly, damage was minimal but I am still missing a chair and a couple of very tiny things. The positive to all of this is that I now have a brand new, very stable, shelving unit that holds even more supplies and all of the rooms.


  1. Eeek :( Well there is silver lining at least. Hope kitties nerves are back to normal.

  2. Goodness! what if it has fallen on you! you could have been badly hurt.

    at least it's fixed now

    Happy belated Mom's day


  3. Oh that poor dear is holding on for dear life! Sometimes we have to see the humor in life's little disasters and this one had a happy ending - aside from the still missing pieces.

    That photo really is priceless.


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