Thursday, May 16, 2013


 My oldest daughter graduated from college last night. She faces challenges almost daily due to chronic health issues. We are so proud of her for pushing through despite several setbacks and earning her degree. (I now have two children who are college graduates - where did the years go?)
 The second challenge was to make a mini scene depicting your favorite book and/or movie. The Small World forum I belong to has started doing challenges rather than contests. In this challenge, we all tried to guess the book/movie and the artist who made it. My all time favorite book is Gone with the Wind. I read it every summer from about 12 years old until well out of college. The green velvet dress came on a doll I got at a garage sale. I kept it when I redressed the doll. I didn't know why until this challenge came around, lol. I embellished it, made and dressed Mammy, and made the display from scratch.


  1. Huge congrats to your Daughter!

  2. Congrats to your daughter!

    Your display for the challenge is really cute. Nicely done!

    I can't see the green dress without thinking of the Carol Burnett sketch where she comes down the stairs wearing the curtains-turned-dress -- curtain rod and all. Too funny. :)

  3. Congratulations to your daughter! Your display is very nice. I knew what it represented the moment I saw it.

  4. Congratulations to your daughter!
    Mammy is cute and the green dress fabulous.
    Hugs, Drora

  5. Congratulations on your beautiful daughter! I wish her ​​much success.

    Great miniature!

  6. Congrats to your daughter De-what a lovely picture of the two of you! I love your challenge piece-the doll turned out fabulous! hugs!

  7. congrats to your grad! here's to a wonderful future!



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