Sunday, June 2, 2013

Back soon.

Sorry I've been gone for awhile. The end of the school year has been busy and our dog, Angel, has been ill. School is out on Tuesday. After tomorrow afternoon, Angel will no longer be suffering. She's 13, blind, and now has congestive heart failure. Each day we can see that she's fading so it is time to do what is right for her. Angel is our first family dog.
 Here is how she looked the day we brought her home. She was such a cute puppy.

And this photo was taken today.She was "helping" us plant corn by lying in the middle of the recently made planting trenches. I'm glad to have some new happy memories.

If I'm not around for a few days, don't worry. I will be mourning the loss of the best dog ever for a couple of days. But I will be back soon with updates on  the antique shop and the beginnings of some new projects. Thanks for being such patient followers/blog friends.


  1. I'm sorry, De. We recently lost a dear pet friend too. Will be thinking about you.

  2. She looks a darling, look after her and yourselves. I am fearing my boy is approaching that time too, he is 12, but I cannot bear thinking about it.

  3. We lost our beloved dog last year, they give so much more than we can ever give them. My deepest sympathies on your loss.

  4. Oh De, I'm sorry to hear this. It's such a tough choice to make, even when we know it to be the right thing to do. Big hugs to you and your family.

  5. Sending hugs your way! I completely feel your pain and understand what you are going through!

  6. Cuanto lo lamento,perder un gran amigo es muy triste,pero seguro que tuvo una feliz vida con vosotros!!

  7. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family as you say goodbye to a cherished and well-loved family member.

  8. It's never easy even when you know they will be in a better place. Hugs for you.

  9. I'm sorry for your loss.
    He will always be in your hearts.
    Hugs, Faby

  10. Im sorry to hear about your furbaby


  11. I'm so sorry to read this De. Our pets are members of the family and it is a hard decision to make. Sending you love and hugs ♥


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