Monday, May 27, 2013

Fun weekend!

Today my daughters and I took advantage of a rainy day to thrift shop. Salvation Army stores in our area had clothing items on sale for 88 cents each and Goodwill stores had half off everything. My oldest got a beautiful, full length wool coat, a suit for interviews, three blazers, a pencil skirt, a dress, a pair of khaki slacks, 3 casual skirts, a sweater coat, and several tops. She also got a pair of shoes. Middle got a new fall/winter jacket, 4 skirts, 3 tank tops, 1 pair of capris, and 14 tops. I found 3 pair of capris, 2 skorts, and several tops.

Yesterday we got most of the vegetable garden planted. It was large last year but this year's garden is even bigger. So far we have cabbage, sweet and hot peppers, peas, several varieties of lettuce, spinach, carrots, beets, green beans, onions, tomatoes (6 varieties), cucumbers, eggplant, potatoes, zucchini, crook neck squash, pumpkins, asparagus, horse radish, rhubarb, raspberries, and the first of several plantings of corn. We still have to plant watermelon and some winter squash. If all grows as well this year as last, the pantry will be overflowing by the end of harvest. :-)

Saturday we celebrated our oldest's college graduation. We had a dessert and snack buffet for family and close friends. The weather was beautiful and the food was good, too. We experimented with a few new recipes and discovered at least one new favorite.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, too!

1 comment:

  1. That was a most successful shopping expedition. The thrift stores in the States are much cheaper to shop at than in Canada. We have a thrift store here, it's a chain, called Value Village. It was good when they first opened many years ago. Now, It's very expensive. I bought a man's shirt there for $7.00 and it was just to cut up. Their ties are not even approachable. I was browsing around yesterday and saw some glasses, not even real crystal, selling for $3.98 each. I will not got there anymore. It's ridiculous.

    Your garden is huge. Where do you get all your energy?!!


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