Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Another new shopper and her find

 After my hair appointment, I made a quick stop at Goodwill. There I found this really cool little Buddha and a mini Bratz doll. I gave the doll a new handbag and she's ready to purchase the statue. I also accented the studs and chain on her belt with a silver Sharpie marker. The rest of her clothing is very nice, even if it is just plastic. Then Again Antiques has as eclectic a clientele as it does antiques. ;-)

I forgot to post a photo of the salt cellar I purchased to use as a tray when hubby and I were shopping. It's the pretty rose print tray behind the milk bottles.

I hope you are all enjoying a great week! The next post should be back to the dollhouse...


  1. De,

    I always love to see the unique ways you "reinvent" the dolls you find. The Bratz doll is no exception & fits right in. Great tray find too. Very elegant.


  2. Thank you, Lisa. What a sweet thing to say. :-)

  3. Wonderful doll... Love your embellishments.


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