Saturday, November 2, 2013

Progressing slowly, really

 We finally have the beginnings of a house. After I can't remember how many dollhouses, I remembered to wallpaper the lower level before adding the second story floor. The Lafayette is small enough that it was a big help to do it this way. The upper floor is now on and drying, I just forgot to take a picture. I decided to make the lower level a great room with kitchen, dining, living all together. It will make furniture arrangement much easier. Of course, I will only arrange it once or twice and then, once the girls own it, it's likely to never be arranged my way again, lol.
 One of the next steps will be to assemble and insert the door. The kit is designed with wood pegs as hinges so it will open and be reasonably sturdy.
The beginning of the trim painting. I still have a lot of painting to do but the girls are visiting this weekend and I had to hide everything. I think I have all I need to put in the windows, door, and porch.

Having a job outside the home really put a damper on my mini habits. ;-) No more staying up 'til all hours of the night because I'm on a roll. That means I can only work in short spurts. At least I can leave the house on the dining room table during the week. I have a work room but not enough counter space to paint, assemble, etc. Besides, Then Again Antiques is still sitting in the middle of my desk. No home has been found yet. Maybe I should stop adding to my collection...nah. :-) I am not sure that is possible. I love to have projects.

Hope you are all enjoying a beautiful weekend!

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