Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I wanted to check all of your blogs out today but when I went to my blog list all I found was post after post from a blog I am not following. I've never heard of it, it's in some language other than English, and based on the title, I'm not sure that it's even appropriate. Has anyone else had this happen? What do I do to fix it?


  1. This happens when people give up their old blog names and someone else takes it over. All of the sudden you get content you don't want instead of the original blog you were once following. You have to remove the blog from your feed list. There are different ways to do this depending on whether you are on blogger, bloglovin, feedly, etc. Hope this helps.

  2. De, I have a couple of blogs like that, that I can't seem to get rid of. I have tried contacting blogger. No answer. I finally figured out that these people grab inactive blogs that are no longer being used. The ones that i have were formerly mini blogs. They somehow fix it so that you can't remove them. No followers box on the site. The ones that I have are sites that have to do with new electronic products and yes, they are in a foreign language. Sorry that I can't help, but at least you know that you aren't alone...

  3. Try to log in again. And again, and again, and again... Maybe it's a temporary error? I know that some people have a problem like this. They try the next day and it's okay.
    Or maybe try in the other web browser to open your blog list? I read, that it can be an erron in Mozilla or Google Chrome, or something else.

  4. Hi De,
    I had exactly the same thing yesterday...a lot of very rude material popped into my reading list. You need to find the blog in your following list (I know you haven't clicked to follow this blog but believe me it will be there in your reading list), then you need to 'stop following' to get it out of your feed.

  5. it's porn, I got it too and I tried to report it but the website contains malware.

  6. It is "mangae reading list"...a little "wheel" on the top on the right side of the screen, just at the top of the blogs that appear for reading. You cklick there, the list appears, you can choose "settings" for each blog seperately,click there, a new window appears and you there have the option " stop following this blog".....i hope that will work for you! Perhaps others might know more!

  7. Oops not sure if that went well, so here is my comment again:

    Hi De, it sounds like one of the blogs you are following has been hacked. I have seen it with several blogs. I have always found them to be from bloggers who haven't blogged in ages. Open the post in your reading list, in the address bar you should find an address of a blog you do follow. Then go back to your reading list and go to 'Manage reading list' (the little wheel symbol, top right of your reading list). Search for the name of that blog (sometimes, like in the case of my own blog, the blog address is not the same as my blog name, which may make it more difficult to find). If you have found the name in the list, click on it and remove it from your reading list. On my computer, this removing business responds very slowly, so be patient! As soon as it has been romoved you won't see those strange posts any more.
    Good luck with this!

  8. Thanks so much for the help, everyone! Off to try to get rid of the unwanted stuff.


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