Saturday, December 14, 2013

Snow Day!

Well, not really since neither hubby or I have to go to work today. But we decided, since we are the only ones home this weekend, to pretend that 4 or so inches of snow is enough to stay home, be lazy, and enjoy each other's company. :-) The snow is still coming down steadily and everything looks so clean and fresh. I am going to enjoy the day.

I forgot  to post pics of my "find" yesterday. At a local Meijer store (groceries+department store) I found a small set of bath toiletries in a mini bathtub.

The tub is perfectly scaled. The set of bath gel, bath fizzy, and scrubby was $3. A little bit of paint and it will be ready for a project. Yay!


  1. The bath is be fabulous!! A wonderful find.

    Thanks for your nice comment on my bathroom post :)

    All the best for a Happy Christmas, and for a wonderful 2014.

  2. what a great find!

    Marisa :)


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