Thursday, January 2, 2014

I don't like how empty the house looks ...

...after the Christmas decorations are put away so I always get out my snowman collection for the winter. This year I decided to use a narrow, four foot tall, tinsel tree to display the snowman ornaments with my little village underneath. The village was in the bay window for Christmas but "Catzilla" kept knocking houses and people all over the place. This way I can enjoy it and it's easier to set back up if the cats mess with it. :-)


  1. De'
    I agree, I always feel a little sad after I take the Christmas decorations down, I think the snow men are a good Idea. I live in Florida so I put up valentines decorations, since we won't be having snow!
    sugar,spiceandwhatever's nice

  2. it's always a little sad to put things away my house looks so bare, my little kitty Baxter probably thinks we're moving.



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