Friday, January 3, 2014

Nesting while waiting for the storm

We are supposed to get another big snowstorm this weekend. We got 6+ inches earlier this week. I love the snow but the bitter cold has me snuggled up indoors doing  "projects."
 I made the little "Let it Snow" garland this morning. My friend,  Norene, cross stitched the snowman sampler for my birthday one year. I love it!
 I dug through the bin of my daughter's clothes to donate to Goodwill and found a red and gray sweater. Now I have two cozy little pillows for the couch. The snowflake pillow had lost much of its stuffing so I gave it a refresh, too.
These are some of my other snowmen. The tall, woodsy looking snowman was a Christmas gift from my husband. Isn't he adorable?

We have food in the freezer, fridge and pantry. The house is cozy and warm. Bring on the snow!


  1. i hope the weather will get better-we didnt have or had snow-I like it too,but not soooo much and not so much cold- we´ve got neighbours they come from Sibiria- they always laugh when I´m afraid of the cold ;)
    When I was a little girl the winter where much colder and more snow than now...but it changed...
    be blessed! Ines

  2. Hi De,
    Snow days are definitely project days! Looking forward to seeing your minis this year. Stop by, I just posted my miniature room box reveal.
    Happy New Year!


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