Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Our chickens are earning their keep!

As of today, we have three layers in the Crooked House Layers' Club. Fred, the rooster, is so proud. ;-) One of our Red Stars started laying 5 days ago and two of her sisters joined the club today. Woo hoo! I can't wait until our three Easter Egger pullets start laying. Then we'll have pretty blue and green eggs along with our brown ones. If you've never had any eggs other than store bought ones, I encourage you to find a local farmer with eggs to sell. The difference in taste is incredible.

I'm working extra hours at school this week so I'm not making any progress on the French country house. I'm leaving it in the living room on a card table, though, so any time I have a free period of time I can do something. Updates will be coming!

Have a wonderful day and/or evening, wherever you are!

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