Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I've been busy...and then I got sick

But today, I am feeling much better. I am hoping to be completely back to normal by the weekend but the garden won't wait that long...
Hubby made a quick trip to the garden that didn't turn out to be quite so quick. ;-) Tomorrow after school I will be freezing corn and the next day I will need to can green beans. We are at well over 100 pints now.

I spent some time in the yard while the chickens got some time to roam this evening. The ladies thought I should have come prepared with a treat.
We started getting eggs a couple of weeks ago and we were up to four eggs a day yesterday. Today four more hens joined the Crooked House Layers Club! All three Easter Eggers gifted us with eggs. We now have tan, brown, sky blue, and pale olive eggs. I love the color range. I had no idea how much fun raising chickens could be.
This was part of today's egg collection. We found three more eggs before the day was over. As my daughter says, "it's like Christmas" to check the nesting boxes now. We are very blessed with both garden produce and eggs. :-)

I hope you've had a wonderful day, wherever you are!

1 comment:

  1. Hello De,
    I am glad you are feeling better. You almost...almost...make me want to garden and grow chickens...almost, but not quite!
    Big hug,


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