Sunday, September 14, 2014

I'm anxious to get back to the French Country house...

...but Life has other plans at the moment.
 I've been finishing up some of the details for my daughter's wedding. These are the dresses the flowergirls are wearing. K's future step daughters are the flower girls.
 We are getting close to the end of the garden for this year. I had a big weekend of processing - five gallons of green beans for the freezer, 18 pints of beets, 3 half pints of pickled beets, and 20 half pints of sauerkraut.
Once K's wedding is over, I hope to have time to finish the French Country house. I had to put it away last week because we had a large group for dinner and we needed the card table and the space. But the house will be coming out again soon. I promise!

Have a lovely week, wherever you are!


  1. You have been one busy lady! I always love seeing what others are harvesting and preserving. You certainly had a fantastic bean harvest. The dresses are adorable too. Very unique. :)

  2. Thank you, Leigh. The wedding is November 1 and has RealTree camouflage accents. That's why the flower girl dresses are made from camouflage fabric.

    The beans have been very prolific this year. I finally pulled the bush bean plants so they would be finished, lol. We are getting closer to closing down the garden for this year. I am ready. I work at an elementary school and I'm usually heading back to work just as the produce is ripening. That makes for some long days.


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