Sunday, October 19, 2014

Not just like the real one...

...but it is made of fabric from my daughter's wedding dress. She's only 5'2" so the seamstress had to cut several inches off the bottom. That left some nice sized scraps for me to work with. Other than being strapless, the bodice of the mini dress is completely different from the real one. (No photos of the real one, though, until after the November 1 wedding.) The real skirt is made of the same fabrics I used - a sheath style underskirt in satin (the real one has two layers) and a layer of plain tulle and a top layer of the dotted tulle. Of course, the dot pattern is more subtle on the real one since I used the same fabric for the mini one. It will be a great way to remember her wedding day each time I look into the mini bridal shop. She is on her way home from her fiance's so I am keeping it out to show her. I will get the shop out and cleaned and then post a photo of the dress in the shop some time this week.

Wow! I made a mini and posted twice this weekend. Maybe there's hope for me, lol.

Have a wonderful and blessed week, wherever you are!


  1. El vestido es precioso,aunque estoy segura que el de tu hija lo es mucho más,sobre todo porque lo llevará ella! Será un gran recuerdo de ese día tan especial,feliz reencuentro!!!!

  2. Hello De,
    Very well done. What a great souvenir.
    Big hug,


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