Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am feeling very blessed. We are just now home from a wonderful day with friends and family. I'm missing our newlyweds and granddaughters a bit but they will be here tomorrow. We got to spend time with some nephews that we don't see often. All of the cousins that are "home" have continued the party at one of our niece's home. They don't get much time together now that they are all young adults. It makes my heart smile that they make time for each other now. They're planning to watch a musical and have a boys against girls graham cracker gingerbread house competition. I can't wait to see those pics!

Oh, and speaking of the newlyweds, here are a few photos from the big day:


  1. Tienes una familia preciosa,disfruta mucho con ellos!!!!

  2. First of all congratulations! I wish
    the newlyweds good luck and happiness.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
    Hugs, Drora

  3. Congratulations to your daughter and her husband! I wish them much happiness!


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