Sunday, December 28, 2014

I got a dollhouse for Christmas!

A good friend found this house at a flea market over the summer and gave it to me this week for  Christmas. It obviously belonged to a little girl before me and was well loved. Because of that, the house needs some repair work done. I love the style, though.

 It looks like this room had the same zebra carpet as the room beside it. Um, that is gonna have to go. :-)

 The area under the stairs has been closed in and a door added.
 My friend include a bag of things she's collected that may have mini potential.
The attic room is L shaped.

And what are my plans for this house, you ask? Well, I am leaning towards an elf dormitory/house. The rooms are very large so it would be easy to fit in several beds in the second story rooms and a long table in the dining area. I will let this idea percolate in my brain for awhile so I can finish the French Country house. I will need to find a place to display Santa's house, the workshop, and the elf house all together. I think this will be a fun project!


  1. What a lovely gift from a thoughtful friend, love your idea of an elf house. Great project for the New Year!

  2. La casa es preciosa y estoy segura que con tus arreglos,harás de ella algo fantástico!!!!

  3. I'm excited to start this project but I really want to finish the French Country house first. At least all the elf house ideas have time to "percolate" in my brain for awhile. That's how I do my best work.

  4. Congratulations on your new house. It is a Westville by Greenleaf. (This is the same house as Mr Arthur's cottage). It has so much potential and I know you will enjoy renovating this property. Happy New year to you!


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