Monday, December 29, 2014

Meanwhile, back at the French Country house...

I finished the bay window seat cushion and a couple of throw pillows in the kitchen. It's a cozy little nook now.
 I found this purple resin chair at our local Goodwill for $2. With some paint, new piping, and a pillow it's perfect for the living room. Much better than the slipper chair made from a jewelry box.

 The dog got a makeover today, too. Her eyes and mouth are much improved.
I also laid the carpet in the toddler's room. It's very pink in here - I need to break that up a bit somehow. I also need to figure out how to make the toddler less ugly. Her hair is all wrong and she has too many teeth for her age. That will be a project for the next time.

I want to finish this house before starting the new one. I'm still thinking about the exterior but the interior is nearly finished. I haven't done much at all in the upper hall. I'm waiting for inspiration. I've been waiting awhile, lol.

It feels good to be working on a mini project again. Hopefully, I can continue to fit mini time in now that the wedding planning is done. That took most of my creating time but was very worth it.

Have a wonderful week, my friends!


  1. De,
    It's good to have you back in mini world! I think the chair looks great and the dog too. Hope you have a lovely new year!
    sugar, spice and whatever's nice

  2. El sillón queda genial,es muy bonito,tu perro parece sonreír y la habitación de los niños se ve muy bien!!! Sigue avanzando!!!

  3. Thank you all! Happy New Year to you, as well. :-)


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