Monday, January 12, 2015

A Mini Mini Project for Snow Day #3

 You've already seen the skillet in an earlier post but here it is after a coat of black nail polish. I left the insides of the pans silver.
 The strainer was made from an old faucet filter. I have no idea what the pot started as. I figure if it's been in the junk drawer so long that I don't remember it, it must be fair game for miniatures, lol. It had a hole in the bottom that I filled with paper. The handles are also made of paper. I cut most of the filter gasket off. I left just enough to act as handles.
The strainer fits neatly inside the pot - perfect for cooking pasta. :-) I wasn't inspired enough to bring the whole house out to work on it. But a little detail work always leads to a more realistic dollhouse and I could bring just a few supplies out on a tray to do the pans. There will likely be another snow day this winter that I can dedicate to the French Country house itself.

Have a wonderful, blessing filled day!


  1. Unos utensilios de cocina geniales!!!

  2. What a great idea ! I have thrown away quite a few faucet strainers over the years , never again. I have too many doll houses and miniatures needing a strainer for their pasta !

  3. Thank you, ladies!

    KathyB, I think you could cut more of the gasket off and make wire handles fairly easily for another option. Quilling paper would also work and you could use that to make feet if desired. I can almost always think of ways to improve something I've made after I finish one or two. :0)


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