Friday, January 9, 2015

Snow Day #2 - And this time there's snow!

I know because I've trudged through several inches of it to do chores twice today. Brrr - it's as cold as it was yesterday, too. But it sure is pretty with the sun shining on it.

I ended up alone today so I spent some time on the French Country house.
 First up was the chandelier for the master bedroom. It looks so pretty with the vaulted ceiling. The wicker cradle was a gift from a friend several years ago. I want to get a resin couple from HBS to be the parents and I love the pregnant young woman. With the toddler upstairs, the new baby will be in mom and dad's room at first.
 Speaking of the toddler's room, it got some new things, too. I raided a nursery room box to find these goodies. The blocks are just beads but many of the other items were made by miniature friends. I made the afghan on the bed.
 I made pendant lights for over the dining table and the island. They are fairly simple but I'm happy with the results. The lights are similar enough to look good in the same room without being identical. The rooster on top of the range hood was a lucky find. I'm not sure where he came from but was part of an earring. The rest of the earring gave me the unique light hardware for the island light.
I also made a greasy skillet since they are having burgers for lunch. The pan was made with a makeup tray, a paper fastener, black beads, and a bit of beading wire. The "grease" is amber Gallery Glass paint.

This house is progressing slowly but surely. Soon I need to make some decisions about the exterior. I think I have a plan but I'm not 100% sure yet. At the rate I'm going with this house, I'll have plenty of time to decide, lol.

Have a wonderful and blessing filled weekend, my friends!


  1. De,
    It's all coming together wonderfully, I especially like the light fixture in the master bedroom, did you make it?
    sugar, spice and whatever's nice

  2. Thank you, Teresa. Yes, I did make the chandelier. I ended up with beads everywhere, lol, but it was still a fun project.

  3. Hi,
    pretty country house, I really like blue bedroom!

  4. Thank you, Magda. I like the blue room, too. Makes me want a vaulted ceiling with beams in my real bedroom. :-)


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