Friday, January 30, 2015

Well, that didn't take long...

Joe and Joy just moved in yesterday and already they wanted to remodel the kitchen. In all fairness, I'd mounted the upper cabinets too low to be able to use the stove or lower counter and it had been bugging me. Just not enough to want to change it until Joy tried to use her kitchen, which then looked like it had been built for children. So, with a bit of heat and prying, the cabinets came out, the wallpaper was replaced, new tile was put in and the cabinets were replaced. I also got the other porch post/support in. The tiles are mini mosaic tiles from Hobby Lobby - another gift from my husband. They are a bit thick but I think they look great in the kitchen. Now, Joy's happy and if Joy's happy, Joe is happy. And I'm happy, too. Apparently, life is just happy here today, lol.

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!


  1. De,
    Looks like you have been very busy, but it's good to keep the little peeps happy, as you well know, an unhappy doll can be very difficult to deal with, hehe!! I think it looks great!!
    sugar, spice and whatever's nice

  2. Thank you, Teresa! It didn't seem quite fair to argue with a pregnant woman, lol.

  3. I hope the J family paid you well for your quick reconstruction! SO much fun to read your blog: I have LOL'd at least two dozen times, cried three times (no lie, your cat got lost, your dog got old, and your daughter got married), and bookmarked several pages for future reference. I will be all caught up soon, but just had to ask about how you get your dolls to compensate lol. More mini money for more mini projects, I say! Thanks again for sharing, you are a wonderful person I wish I knew in RL!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I teared up reading them. I have "met" so many wonderful people through this hobby. We may never speak face to face but we will get to know each other anyway. :-)


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