Sunday, February 1, 2015

Down to the details...and the roof

 This is how the house looked after a couple of hours of play last night. After church today I got back to it.
 The master bedroom has louvered doors into the room. The doors were cut from pieces in a mixed bag of trims from Hobby Lobby. The doors are fixed in place but at least give an illusion of privacy.
 I made window boxes for the two end windows. The boxes are made of cardstock with the Houseworks "iron" for trim and mounting brackets. I used a mix of mosses and silk and plastic flowers and plants to give the boxes the full to overflowing look I wanted.
 Several months ago, my husband and son were going through all the computer stuff we'd collected over the years. They found several mice (mouses?) that no longer worked. Son pulled the track balls out of them to see if I could use them. I didn't know what I'd do with them at the time...
 ...but they made great topiaries for the balcony. The console is the bottom half of a Michael's hutch and the chair is an altered rocking chair. The Persian cat was a thrift store find.
 The small balcony has pots overflowing with greenery and the lower porch has a yellow rose topiary in a stone urn (Dollar Tree plastic trophy cup painted with the paint I used for the house) and the large rooster moved outside. He's just too large for the interior of the house but he works well for porch decor.
In his place on the console are a leaning mirror (I took care of the blobs of wax after the photo was taken) and a jar of wild flowers - tiny dried flowers from the last bouquet hubby surprised me with.
I need more artwork and other items to personalize it for the family who lives in the house. Photos and other little details will make it look like a home. I don't think I've ever taken this long with a project but the delays are paying off. When I'm not able to work on the house, I spend time researching the French country look I'm aiming for. I'm very pleased with the results so far.

In other news, we visited the newlyweds yesterday. They live three hours away so we hadn't been to see them since the wedding. We had a wonderful visit with everyone - including our granddaughters. (I'll take grandchildren however we get them. Becoming an instant grandma to 4 and 6 year old, adorable little girls has its advantages. Namely, lots of snuggles and giggles. :-) ) We headed back home a bit earlier than originally planned as a huge snow storm was moving our way. It held off until late last night and today. Last I looked we were fast approaching 8 inches of snow and it's still falling. We could get up to 15 inches by tomorrow morning. It's absolutely gorgeous, we have plenty of food, and I love being snowed in. I know my kids are all safe and have enough supplies so I'm going to enjoy the next couple of days. We may only be "stuck" for a day but that will be enough to recharge and enjoy time with my husband and daughter #1 who's been visiting for awhile.

Stay safe and warm, wherever you are, and I wish you a wonderful, blessing-filled week!


  1. Hello De,
    The house is really looking beautiful. I love the master bedroom specially. I am glad you had a good time with your family. I hope the snow does not get out of hand.
    Big hug,


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