Saturday, February 7, 2015

It's the little things

 This roof is moving along slowly but it's going to be worth least, that's what I keep telling myself, LOL.
 A new shelf in the bathroom holds various toiletries - shampoo, conditioner, baby bath, perfume, aftershave, nail polish. There's room for more but these are enough for now.
 The kitchen got dishsoap and a scrubbie.
 I made a clock and a fireplace screen. I love the screen!
The bedroom got a pretty urn full of flowers.

There's still more to do besides finishing the roof. I want to make a lamp for the master bedroom nightstand, and an alarm clock, too. The upper hall is just boring. I need to add something, just not sure what. If I find labels I like I may add them to the products I made today. As much as I like this house, I think it's still missing some personality -  it needs more to make it personal. Any ideas?


  1. I love the fireplace screen, De! How did you make it? I came across these labels and thought you might be interested in them for your bottles.
    Hugs ~Gaye

  2. Thanks, Gaye! I used a piece of the "iron" trim I used on the front of the house. I cut out the area I wanted to use for the screen, painted it black, then glued on a piece of black screen (real window screen). I dry brushed some stainless steel paint over the finished screen to give it some patina. Thanks for the label link. :-)

  3. Ese tejado esta quedando maravilloso,y las habitaciones con todo lo que vas añadiendo,tienen mucha vida,me gustan mucho tus avances.

  4. Hello De,
    Your additions are wonderful and the roof will be a triumph...just wait and see.
    Big hug,


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