Saturday, February 7, 2015

New and improved

The clock was too plain for the style of the house so I dressed it up a bit. It looks more like a mantel clock should look - at least in a French country style house.


  1. De, sorry I missed a few of your posts. Just read them but I will comment on this one only. I want to say that your house is such a delight to the eye! It has such charm to it that I have trouble dragging myself away. Also, thank you for darkening the font. It's so much easier to read. I don't have to stress my eyes anymore. Also, I love what you have done to the clock. I absolutely adore that living room furniture, couch, chair, ottoman. Unbelievably charming!

  2. Thank you, Lucille. How sweet! Do you think I have enough personal touches -things that make you feel as though you know the residents? I don't think I'm there yet but at a loss to know what to add.

  3. Ahora queda mucho más completo y luce muy bien!!!


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