Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Putting my ducks in a row

Well, my windows anyway. I knew the bay window was crooked but with each addition to the front of the house the extreme degree of crooked became unbearable. I was afraid to try to remove it and reposition it for fear of breaking pieces. But last evening as I was talking to daughter  #2 on the phone and looking at the front of the house I decided to try. Since I hated the way it was and that was the only thing I didn't like about this project, something had to change. A bit of prying with a screwdriver was, surprisingly, all that it took to remove the still mostly assembled window. Woo hoo!

So the front of the house went from this:
 To this:
This project is very near completion. I need to spend several hours on the roof to get it finished and I want to add a few more personal touches inside.  This project represents some of my very best miniature work. Details have always been my favorite part of this hobby but I feel that I've nailed the overall look and feel of French country (De's interpretation.) My favorite project is often the one I'm currently working on but this one may stay at the top. :-)
 I added a few bits and bobs today. I traded out the polymer clay bowl for one made from a measuring spoon. The scale is much better. The trade out was not as simple as it sounds but I'm happy with the end result.
 I did a bit of work on the window seat after redoing the window last night. I also made a sippy cup for little Jamie.

Here's a closer view of the reworked window. I used narrow strips of aluminum foil over the seams in the bay window roof. I like the more finished look.

Have a wonderful, blessing filled day, my friends!


  1. Estás haciendo un gran trabajo,tus avances son perfectos!!

  2. Hello De,
    It really is a fantastic house. the front is just beautiful and your interpretation is very successful.
    Big hug,

  3. Thank you so much, Pilar and Giac. Your kind words mean so much to me.


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