Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Davy's Room

 This room is mostly finished now. I still need to do baseboard, glue the door in place, and add a lamp, ceiling fixture, and toys and books and other little boy things.
This photo is without the door so you can see the window shutter. I decided on that rather than a curtain. I think I will add a small bookcase at this end of the room on the door wall. There's not really room for a desk but I can fit a bookcase in here.

The cowboy wallpaper came from Jennifer's Printables.


  1. Que buen provecho has sacado a esa habitación!! Al ser tan estrecha era difícil,pero tu los has conseguido,el niño estará muy contento en ella!!!

  2. Hello De,
    It's looking good.
    Big hug


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