Thursday, January 14, 2016

While Hubby's Away, I Get to Play...With the Dollhouse

 Today was very productive, at least in the Sherwood house. (I did go to work then come home and run and unload the real dishwasher and make dinner so all was not lost in the real world, lol.) Sometime last summer my husband found some nice sized pieces of very thin tree bark that he thought I might be able to use. I chopped them into nice plank size using my paper cutter. I glued them in place and weighted them down with cookbooks while they dried. Then I sanded them down and put a light coat of matte Mod Podge on the floor to seal it. It looks great! I also finished the hall window - although what possessed me to wait until all the walls were in place before putting the trim on, I'll never know. I'm glad my hands aren't any larger or the window would just be trim less.
 The master bedroom may be my favorite so far. My carpet piece wasn't quite large enough to cover the entire lumpy floor so I laid more of my plank flooring around the outer edge of the floor and fastened the carpet down in the middle. No more ugly zebra felt! I am changing out the windows as I go. The ones original to the house were in really bad shape. These look a bit more contemporary as if the Sherwoods replaced all the windows as they redecorated their home. This room has the new windows and trim and all the baseboard in. I need to make nightstands and then add artwork and accessories so it looks like they really live here. The decor is fairly traditional except for the colors and bedroom set. I'm very happy with the drapes and cornice.

I got a start on the kitchen, too. The pantry shelves are in place and I did some work on the stairs. No pictures of that yet because it's still really ugly. I have to think on that problem some more. At least I have the gaps filled and the steps no longer move. That's progress, I guess.

Hubby has quartet practice tomorrow evening so I will have time to work on the kitchen. I'm still pondering about the living room. The interior is coming together very nicely. I hope I'm as happy with my brick exterior as I am so far with the inside. Fingers crossed!

Stay tuned for more progress.

1 comment:

  1. Hello De,
    It's really coming along! I love the wood floor planks. It's awesome!
    Big hug


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