Friday, January 15, 2016

It's a white out...

Or at least it was for a short time in the Westville. I got rid of the dreary colors and dirt with a couple of coats of Gesso in both lower level rooms then got started on the kitchen. I made great progress today.
 Even with one window boarded up the kitchen looks ten times brighter. The ceiling had never been painted and the staircase was left the plain plywood color with no sealer or anything on it. The wood was so dry it just soaked up the paint.
 Please excuse the blue tape. The living room bay was falling off. I don't have photos but the porch had some demolition work done today, too. After some research, I am excited about the exterior now. I don't know what I'm going to do with the living room floor but I am currently leaning towards knotty pine on all the walls. (I know - what am I thinking?) It's a lot of work but it's appropriate for the time period and I think it will look really cool.I love the knotty pine I did in the wall house that represents my inlaws home.
 I love the kitchen! Once I get the upper cabinets and shelves in place with a range hood the large expanse of busy wallpaper will be toned down. I am pleased with how bright and cheerful this room is. I plan to make some gingham valances or cafe curtains for the three windows. I got some canned goods from hubby for Christmas but I will need to make more food to fill up that pantry.
The dining nook has white washed plank flooring. The replacement windows look good, too. I was pleased to find three window frames that survived the demolition. That made at least that part go quickly.

Tomorrow we are helping our daughter and her family move so I won't be doing any mini work. I will get back to it next week. Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!


  1. Que bonito y luminoso se ve todo!! la cocina es preciosa,me gusta mucho el contraste del blanco con ese azul tan bonito.Que bien que pudiste salvar algunas ventanas,eso le ha dado un buen avance!!
    Espero que la mudanza no sea muy costosa y todo vaya bien.Feliz fin de semana!

  2. Hello De,
    It is coming along beautifully...I like the kitchen very much
    Big hug


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