Saturday, December 31, 2016

Mini making with the smallest Little

 Our granddaughters spent a few days with us. The younger one was fascinated by the toy store book box and wanted to make something. So while the older Little went on an adventure with Papa, the younger Little and I made a tiny dollhouse. We started with the medium sized paper mache house from Hobby Lobby. I cut the back off and made the doorway a bit taller and she painted with her colors of choice. She chose all of her sister's favorite colors.
 She drew bricks on the chimney and decorated the roof.

 Then she decided that it was a winter house and we needed snow for the roof. A bit of batting solved that problem. A little golden Cherub ornament adds interest over the doorway - both inside and out.
 I had two vintage 3/4 scale pieces that were slightly damaged. I dressed the bed with the fabric she chose. She painted the interior with pink, purple, and green paints in a freestyle way. She chose leopard print fabric for the carpet. We had so much fun! I had everything on hand so there was no cost to do this project but the memories we made are priceless. <3 p="">


  1. Tu ayudante es preciosa, y ha hecho un gran trabajo con el tejado y la nieve...¡Feliz Año 2017! Un abrazo

  2. Esos momentos maravillosos que has pasado con tu preciosa nieta,los recordarás siempre!!!!

  3. How very sweet, that made me smile. :)

  4. What a nice way to spend time with a grandchild especially when the results are so beautiful.

    Happy New Year to you and yours dear De.

    Hugs, Drora

  5. Thank you all. Happy New Year!


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