Monday, February 6, 2017

My newest miniature

Our first grandson arrived last week. Mama and baby are doing well.
 I've been blessed to be able to spend the first week with our daughter, son-in-law, and little Maverick.
 Grammy has enjoyed lots of baby snuggles!

One thing I really enjoyed was being able to decorate Maverick's nursery. We live three and a half hours away but I will leave a little part of me here when I go back home tomorrow. Soon I will get back to actual dollhouse miniatures but right now I am enjoying this time with my perfect little grandson.


  1. Muchas felicidades por la llegada de Maverick a la familia!!! Se le ve un bebé,guapo,sano y feliz!!!!!
    Preciosa la decoración de su habitación!!!

  2. Congratulations De!
    Maverick is absolutely beautiful. God bless him! How lovely that he will be surrounded by the room you prepared for him.
    Big hug


  3. Congratulations! The baby is adorable. I hope you will be able to see and enjoy him frequently although the distance makes it hard.
    Best wishes to you and yours!
    Hugs, Drora

  4. Felicidades es la mejor miniatura, muy lindo y la habitación que has decorado es preciosas.Disfruta de él .Besos:-)

  5. Congratulations! Maverick is a little sweet heart!


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