Saturday, October 20, 2018

A rainy day is a play day

 The old 3 door ice box was just too wide for the tiny kitchen so I reused 2 of the doors and made a tall 2 door version instead. I also added "pantry" shelves to the wall over the icebox and sink.
 I changed the chimneys on the wall sconces. I am still not completely satisfied.
Hubby took out the upstairs wall on the same side as the removed lower wall. Now I can work on and view the house much more easily.
The old icebox cabinet became a dresser for the bedroom. I didn't have a long stretch of time to play but I enjoyed the time I did have.


  1. Playing with your dollhouse is A VERY NICE way to spend a rainly day! :D

  2. Estás haciendo unos cambios muy interesantes!

  3. I like how you are taking the things you have and reworking them to fit the needs of the space! I hope you find time for more mini fun, rain or shine!

  4. I agree, rainy days are the perfect days to play with minis.


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