Monday, October 22, 2018

It's all in the details

 First, hubby helped me remove a wall on the upper story so that the house is fully open. I glued the roof down and it will eventually be shingled.
 Since my last post I have fixed the ceiling, added trim and finished up most of the lower level down to the details. I really like how cozy the downstairs is.
 I added a sturdier table beside the rocker and put a plant on the candlestick table.

The kitchen and dining areas are pretty much complete. There is a pot of stew on the stove and the pantry shelves are stocked with home canned goodies. A canning jar of mums adds a bit of color to the white table which is set for dinner. There are two loaves of bread rising on top of the icebox.

I will get started in earnest on the upper level the next chance I have to play. I am really enjoying this project.


  1. La casa va cobrando vida!Bonitos detalles.

  2. You are doing such a great job with this neat old dollhouse! All the bits and bobs are coming together so nicely, and being able to reach in to work on things is wonderful! The trims really add a touch of elegance!


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