Monday, January 21, 2019

At last they have a roof!

I'm sorry I've been away so soon after coming back but daughter #1 got engaged and married all in about 2 months. She always told me she would have a short engagement after a broken engagement in college. I'm thankful I am creative because I did a whole lot of diy projects in that 2 months, lol. The wedding was pretty and the bride was gorgeous. We gained a wonderful new son-in-law, too.
I had Friday and today off school due to weather so I finally had time to work on the farmhouse roof. After a bit of research I decided on the shape of my shingles. I already knew I wanted them to be green.  I found a good base green in my paper drawer then dabbed on various colors to get the look I wanted. Once the paint was dry I used a ruler to mark one inch lines from one narrow end to the other on each paper so I would know where to cut to separate shingles.
 Then I cut the papers into 1 1/4" strips the length of the paper long.

 Next I trimmed the corners of each shingle then glued the strips to the roof.
It is good to have all of the structural work done. This was such a cobbed together old house that there is no way to make the exterior perfect. Part of its charm is that it was homemade. All that is left are a few accessories and then I will have to find a new project.


  1. Hello De,
    I am so happy for your daughter and wish them all the happiness in the world. the ceiling looks lovely. Well done.
    Big hug,

  2. Wow! Pulling off a wedding that quickly is a testament to your creative and organizational skills! Congratulations to the family!
    The shingles are brilliant, and you are right - what makes this house so special are all the home made elements, and everything you have added is true to and celebrates that spirit!

  3. Congratulations to you and your family dear De!
    The bride is beautiful. I wish her and her handsome groom
    all the best and good luck!


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