Sunday, January 27, 2019

Working on the little things

I looked through several old issues of American Miniaturist searching for inspiration for details in the farmhouse.

I found a printable plant book.
I made a basket for firewood from a plastic thingy I found in my junk drawer.
Another AM had some doilies that I cut out and used in several places. I also found a tiny wedding photo in one of them. I framed it and put it on the hutch. The time period looks about right to be Louise and John's wedding.
Every detail makes the house more cozy and lived in looking. My work here is nearly done.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!


  1. It is always those little things that make such a BIG difference. Your firewood basket, photo, doilies, and book each contribute in their own special way to making your farmhouse into a comfy, cosy home! :)

  2. Hi De! It's looking so homey and comfortable, and it is so satisfying to make little things that have such a big impact on the space! What a great idea to look for things to make in AM!

  3. Los detalles son lo más importante,hacen que la casa se vea "vivida" ,cada vez más acogedora!!!

  4. I love how everything is coming together, and I love the doilies!


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