Saturday, March 30, 2019

It's an open and shut case

Except that the shutters don't really open or shut, lol. I made all of the shutters, painted the door and the roof black, painted the trim with a fresh coat of white, and I am so pleased with the end result.
 Because of the position of the door I had to make the right side shutters a bit more narrow.
 I am happy enough with the painted roof that I am not in a hurry to shingle it. Eventually I will likely want to but for now it is such an improvement that I don't feel the need. I can't believe how much of a difference the shutters make. It looks like a finished house now. I don't think I am finished with interior accessories. Just waiting for inspiration now.
Hubby and I are both off work for the next week. I'm hoping to find some mini things during our antiquing jaunts. If I find anything, I will share here.

Wishing you a blessing filled weekend!


  1. What a wonderful job you've done with this little gem inside and out! It looks fresh, lively and jovial with it's new paint and detailing, and I bet it feels so lucky to have found it's way to you, De! I agree - for the style of the house roofing shingles aren't necessary because it looks delightful just as it stands!

    1. Thanks, Jodi! I love hownit turned out.

  2. Hello De,
    It looks beautiful. I love the shade of red you chose and the black just pops.
    Big hug

    1. Thank you, Giac! The red was chosen by the original builder but I really like the color so decided to keep it.

  3. In such a short time you finished an amazing dollhouse. Fantastic work!
    Hugs, Drora

  4. What a wonderful dollhouse, De, great work!
    Congrats on winning the giveaway by Drora, enjoy your prize!
    And yes, it was there that I found your blog ;).
    Happy Easter to you and your family.
    Kind regards, Ilona


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