Wednesday, May 1, 2019

I need coffee

And so do the mini people. I really wanted a Keurig style coffee maker for the farmhouse kitchen but I was not able to find any premade ones. So I pawed through all the miscellaneous drawers until I found enough potential pieces to make my own.

This what I started with. I soon had to go on another hunt. The tank was cut from a plug cover that came on a cord to some electrical appliance I bought. I also used a couple of fake fingernails, paper, a milk carton seal, and a couple of random bits I found.

Then I decided I needed kcups. I printed some tiny labels from the internet and glued them to tiny pieces of qtip sticks. That worked surprisingly well.
And here is the finished coffee area. I am really happy with the final result.The little details are pulling the house together. This has been a fun project!


  1. I love how you've made a coffee maker for the farmhouse kitchen, De, it looks great there in the coffee area. Those tiny kcups are a wonderful addition too, it's fantastic work.
    Thank you for showing how you made it!
    Kind regards, Ilona
    PS I've tried to become a follower of your blog (your blog is already appearing in my readers list), but since a few years I have difficulties with Blogger for some reason. So, I see it now sadly doesn't work either.

    1. Thank you! I'm so sorry that you've been able to follow my blog. Thank you for stopping by to see what I've been up to anyway.

  2. Oh, how fantastic your coffee maker came out! Those tiny coffee capsules are
    simply adorable.
    Hugs, Drora

    1. Thank you, Drora! It was definitely one of my more fiddly projects but so fun to do.

  3. My favorite mini things are ones created using treasures from the junk drawer, a little ingenuity and a lot of creativity! This little coffee maker and accessories fit this to a "T" and I love it! So much fun, De!

  4. Thank you, Jodi. I enjoy the creative process of making something from random bits others would call trash. It is probably my favorite part of this hobby.

  5. Un tutorial magnifico y un resultado fabuloso.
    Gracias por compartir.
    Un saludo

  6. That is so creative! And I love how your kitchen is coming along!


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