Thursday, January 8, 2015

Snow Day!

Well, actually it's a bitter cold day off school. Windchills in the negative double digits. Brrr. But it's the perfect day for crafting and cooking. Daughter number one had purchased some wood dimensional and laser cut ornaments from Hobby Lobby that needed bling for next Christmas. She's decided to go with browns, bronzes, and green for her tree next year. So with a bit of paint, Mod Podge, glitter (in fun colors!), and hair spray to seal we came up with these:
 I am in charge of decorations for our church ladies' retreat coming up later this month. The speaker's theme is Queen of Quite a Lot. We decided to go with a Mary Engelbreit type style. I could never do justice to ME's wonderful art but I came up with a centerpiece idea using a similar style. The pots will be filled with chocolates for the retreat. Chocolates have been a tradition started at our first retreat 15 or 16 years ago. Can't let the ladies down, LOL. I have 10 more of these to paint. It will be fun coming up with different designs and colors.
 Since my husband and I (and daughter #1) have stopped eating wheat (and many other grains), finding bread recipes that we like has not been easy. So when I do find one, we enjoy the occasional treat. This is zucchini banana bread. Yum!
 With the bitter cold, and now snow (it started as I was writing this post), it's a perfect night for chili. Legumes are another thing we've mostly given up and corn is one grain that doesn't cause issues for any of us. So that's what I use in place of beans. This pot of chili is anything but traditional but it's gonna taste good. :-)
I know that many parts of the US are experiencing the same bitter cold temperatures that we are. Stay warm and safe! Wishing all of you, wherever you are, a day filled with blessings!

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