Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Year in Review -2014

I was afraid I had nothing to post for 2014 in review but I am happy to report I did manage to complete a few projects.

February was the most mini productive month due to all the snow we had last year.

Here you can see the half scale house I built from a boot box.

For Valentine's Day I made a mini scene in a cardboard suitcase. This was for an Odds and Ends Challenge for a mini group I used to belong to. You can see more photos here. In April, I turned  a cardboard house from Hobby Lobby into an adorable half scale cottage (if I do say so myself, lol.) Click here to see more. My stone cottage led to a commissioned one for a family member's daughter. It was a Christmas gift and she loved it! Here are more photos. And the final completed project for 2014 is a mini version of our chicken coop - the Crooked House Layers Club. Click here for more pictures. I've been working on the French country house since the middle of July. Wow! I don't think I've ever taken this long with a project. I hope it's worth the wait!

Happy 2015! May your new year be happy, healthy and full of life's blessings.


  1. Boy did you accomplish a lot ! I love all your creative projects, especially the little chicken house.

  2. Thank you, Kathy! In a year so focused on my daughter's wedding, I was glad to see that I had made some time for mini projects. It's my favorite of all of my hobbies because I can use bits of all the others.


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